Library Access and Use
Use Policies
The Law Library is open to local government officials, subscribers, and the public for the purpose of legal research. All library patrons are to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of the normal activities and function of the Library, its staff, and of other patrons. Use of the library is a privilege, not a right, so users who fail to comply with library policy will be asked to leave. Here are more detailed library use policies:
After Hours Use
Library use is limited to normal business hours when the Library is staffed. Patrons are not allowed access to the Library when it is closed. Members of the Sandusky County Bar Association are granted permission to use the Library After Hours. After Hours is Monday through Friday 4:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Saturday/Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Books, Material and Equipment
No books, material or equipment shall be removed from the Law Library. If an Attorney needs a book immediately for a court hearing, the book may be signed out by the attorney. If the book is not returned after the hearing, the Attorney will be charged the cost of replacing the book.
Children below high school age must be accompanied by and supervised by an adult. All patrons are expected to follow the Library’s rules of conduct.
Computer use must be legal and in compliance with standard acceptable computer use policy. If all computers are in use and other patrons are waiting, the Law Librarian reserves the right to impose time restrictions.
Conference Rooms
Conference rooms are available for reservation for depositions, meetings, conferences, etc. by scheduling with the Law Librarian. Patrons may use the conference rooms in accordance with library policy and with the understanding that they may be asked to vacate a room for use by
primary users. In the case of a shortage of space, preference will be given to group meetings.
Discovery Disk
Discovery Disks are prohibited from being printed at the Law Library.
Disruptive Behavior
Library patrons may not engage in disruptive, improper, or illegal behavior, including but not limited to harassment, solicitation, intimidation, unauthorized practice of law, and disturbances.
Food and Drink
Food and non-alcoholic beverages are allowed in the Library. Patrons are expected to demonstrate care for library materials and equipment and to clean up any spills and trash. Tobacco use is not allowed in the Library.
Inclement Weather
The Library follows County policy regarding closing during inclement weather and other emergencies. Patrons should watch for news of Sandusky County and Courthouse closings.
Key Card
Members of the Sandusky County Bar Association can request a Key Card to the Law Library. A ten dollar ($10.00) fee will be assessed for any lost cards.
Mobile Phones and Other Electronic Communications Devices
Mobile phones and other electronic communications devices are permitted in the Library. As a courtesy to other patrons, all patrons are asked to set their devices to beep or vibrate mode and to be respectful of other patrons when taking calls.
Personal Materials
Library staff is not responsible for personal items left unattended in the Library. Excessive amounts of personal material are disallowed. Personal items are not to be left unattended in the Library. Unattended personal items may be subject to removal, search and/or confiscation by
security personnel.
Discretion of the Law Librarian
No policy can address all potential circumstances. The Law Librarian reserves the right to address issues on a case by case basis including, but not limited to disruptive and harassing behavior, requests for privileges, and use of facilities. The Sandusky County Law Library Board retains the right to protect the interests of our patrons to the safe and peaceful use of our facility. The Sheriff’s Department maintains the security of the Courthouse. Library employees who have reason to believe that disruptive conduct or theft are occurring are able to summon Sheriffs to remove disruptive persons from the Library, and to ask Sheriffs to take appropriate law enforcement action to deal with alleged theft. In cases of extreme disruption or repeated misconduct, named persons may be banned by the SCLLRB from further entry into the Law Library.