Computer and Internet Use Policy
The Sandusky County Law Library provides access to the Internet in order to make available a broad range of online legal research resources. Patron access to the library’s computer network and the Internet is a privilege and not a right. The library reserves the right to interrupt computer
usage that involves user behavior that violates library policies or disrupts library services. As stated in the library’s conduct policy, people demonstrating inappropriate behavior or not following library rules or policies may be required to leave the premises of the library.
The library’s computers are to be used for legal study and research. All patrons are required to use the computers in a responsible manner and abide by the following policies:
- It is unacceptable to use the library’s Internet terminals for any purpose that violates the law or encourages others to violate the law.
- Patrons are not permitted to use the Internet, e-mail, or online services to view transmit, download or print obscene, pornographic, racially, sexually or religiously harassing materials.
- Library computers may not be used in ways that will cause harm to others or damage to their property.
- Users of the library’s Internet terminals may not represent themselves to be another person or as an agent of the library.
- All copyright and licensing restrictions must be observed. Patrons shall not print and distribute copyrighted materials in violation of copyright laws.
- The library’s computers may not be used to distribute advertising.
- Patrons are not permitted to change any settings or files or load any programs without staff approval and assistance.
- Patrons are required to pay all applicable charges for printing or use of online services
- Library computers are not to be used for primarily entertainment purposes, including, but not limited to the playing of games
- Preference is given to users who are subscribers.
- Time limits may be imposed according to level of demand.
- The library does not assure the accuracy, timeliness or authoritativeness of information found on the Internet.
- The library assumes no responsibility for any damages direct, indirect or consequential related to the use of its computers, the software on them, or the Internet access provided.
- The library reserves the right to periodically remove files without notice from the computers and network.
- The library may monitor computer activity; therefore, users have no reasonable expectation of privacy in the use of computer resources.
*The Sandusky County Law Library Resource Board will review these policies and procedures and reserve the right to revise them when conditions warrant such actions